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About Me

Hello, I hope all is well. A little about why and how this company began: I decided to go natural before natural hair became essential because it made my hair feel healthier but not robust, facing the challenge of Maintaining healthy, moisturized, and hydrated hair and skin were frustrating. During my transition, I could not find the right products to keep my hair and skin moisturized and hydrated with less irritation. I then started to make my hair care products. Over a decade, I mixed and researched ingredients. Having trained as a cosmetologist and wanting to specialize in natural hair care, I would inquire about those skills and knowledge to use the best ingredients. Also, facing the challenge of living in a dry climate, I needed something that would do the same for my skin; I have diligently formulated innovative hair and skin care products with natural ingredients to give your hair and skin abundant moisture and hydration.
These products have been carefully formulated with natural ingredients to help my mission to assist with the frustration. I am delighted to launch a new product line, Nakycy Blu LLC.

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